Everything will come to pass. With that adage in mind, we welcome you to savour this issue which is a veritable medley of content. We are pleased to inform you that this issue is notable for contributions from students of both batches. Last month, the institute welcomed the Batch of 2023 and conducted an orientation lasting nearly two weeks. We are as eager as they are in meeting them in person on campus when it is safe to do so.
The month of May brought with it a new low in the ravages of the infection and cast a dark shadow over our lives. As many would agree, the loss of lives of people we know or recognised made the tragedy palpable in this wave. Yet, we bow in gratitude to thousands of fellow citizens who voluntarily served those laid low by the infection and marginalised sections of the society distributing food, medical supplies, and other essential items. Likewise, the doctors and health workers have been toiling bravely to see us through this pandemic. As a senior doctor put it, they are like a ventilator on which the broken health system of our country breathes. They are our unsung heroes.
As with every issue, we have painstakingly curated this collection of articles. We hope that you will give it more than a cursory glance and find value in it. We strive to educate, inform, and entertain to varying degrees. We thank you for your contribution and encouragement.